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Together in silence Our wishes can make a Difference

If You Don't stand for something
Yo Will fail for anything

Mery Ban Jao (Be Mine)

A Spider sewed at Night

A Spider sewed at Night
Without a light
Upon an Arc of white.

If Ruff It was of Dame
Or Shroud of Gnome
Himself Himself Inform.

Of Immortality His Strategy
Was Physiognomy.

Mery Ban Jao (Be Mine)

If only there was something that i could say
To Make the sun shine and the rain go away

If there was something i could do
it hurts me to think

That you are feeling so blue
I'll be your umbrella together we'll stand

To weather the storm
I'll be holding your hand

Mery Ban Joa (Be Mine)

Sit by my side Closing your eyes
Together in silence

We call for the end of torturing
the end of killing

the end of the persecution
compassion grows in our hearts

Together in silence
Our wishes can make a Difference

Mery Ban Joa (Be Mine)

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